street, married. oldschool

Radar: Baghdad Twist, Black Dub, Five Alarm Funk, Comedy at the Ossington, Air Marshal Landing, The Vice Racket, and Sad Guru

FILM | Free Favourites at Four presents "Baghdad Twist"
Joe Balass directed this interesting and short feature about Baghdad's Jewish community in the 1960s. The Jewish-Iraqi population was one of the largest Middle Eastern Jewish population for quite a stretch until persecution drove them out to other regions such as India and elsewhere. This film uses a wedding reception as a central, unifying event to tell this interesting story of a segment of Baghdad's population that slowly disappeared over the course of a decade.
NFB Mediatheque (150 John Street) 4PM FREE

LITERATURE | Pivot Reading Series
The Pivot reading series has extended its 'season' this Summer to add this special event - a tribute to The Scream: a TO literary festival that is shutting down after 18 years. Tonight's Pivot at The Press Club is their tip of the hat to the festival, and they will feature readings from The Scream's previous artistic directors: Bill Kennedy, Peter McPhee, and Matthew Remski.
The Press Club (850 Dundas Street West) 8PM PWYC.

MUSIC | Air Marshal Landing, The Vice Racket, Sad Guru
A cool triple-bill at Rancho tonight! Air Marshall Landing, a recently transplanted band from London, Ontario are the headliners. They have relocated to TO as a career move, and hope to amaze with their brand of driving rock sounds. Also on the bill tonight are Sad Guru from Ottawa, making their TO debut, and The Vice Racket!
Rancho Relaxo (300 College Street) 9PM PWYC

MUSIC | Five Alarm Funk at the Horseshoe Tavern
The Five Alarm Funk posse hits town! This 10-piece funk machine from the West Coast has been blazing away at their game for six years, and have honed their moves super-tightly, delivering a show that is about music and choreography, as well. They are currently touring across Canada, and fanning the party flames wherever they play. Joining them this eve is Modern Superstitions.
The Horseshoe Tavern (370 Queen Street West) 8:30PM $10


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Photo by PJMixer in the theGentries Flickr pool

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