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Radar: The Constantines 10th Anniversary, Telephone Explosion at Wrongbar, Puppetry of the Penis, Raised by Swans at the Horseshoe, Snowball Gallery and Workshop Opening

Photo: "Downtown Home" by PJMixer, member of the theGentries Flickr Pool.

Events on Toronto's Radar for FRIDAY DECEMBER 11, 2009... lovingly handpicked from theGentries's events calendar.

MUSIC | Constantines 10th Anniversary
It's been ten years since the Constantines first began reshaping the country's musical landscape with their ferocious shit-kicking rock and roll. From their early days on influential label Three Gut Records to their residency at a rehearsal space in the middle of Kensington Market, the band has always been close to the epicenter of Canada's indie explosion, easily earning them a place among the likes of Arcade Fire, Broken Social Scene and Wolf Parade. The Cons celebrate their tin anniversary with three massive shows at Lee's Palace over the next two weekends.
Friday December 11, Saturday December 12, Saturday December 19
Lee's Palace, 529 Bloor St. W., $20 advance, $25 door, 9: 30 pm

PARTY | Telephone Explosion's 2nd Anniversary Party
Steve Sidoli of Telephone Explosion Records has said that he and Jon Schouten started the imprint with a "spirit of hopelessness", which was perhaps a wise assessment given the current state of the music industry. But two years on the label is still turning out releases from some of North America's grittiest garage rockers including Ty Segall and Charlie and the Moonhearts, usually on cassette tape or vinyl. TER celebrates their second birthday with a party at Wrongbar, featuring sets from Demon's Claws, Holy Cobra's, and Sun RaRaRa.
Wrongbar, 1279 Queen St. W., $10, 9:45 pm

THEATRE | Puppetry of the Penis
Twelve years after two Australians first took the world by storm with their acrobatic genitalia, Puppetry of the Penis makes its triumphant return to Toronto. See Christopher J. Cannon and Rich Binning complete astonishing dick tricks including "the Boomerang," "the Atomic Mushroom," and the dreaded "Loch Ness Monster." No need to bring binoculars as a giant video screen behind the performers will project all the genital origami in King Kong size proportions. Canadian Comedy Award nominee for best female stand-up Shelley Marshall opens. Runs til Saturday.
Winter Garden Theatre, 189 Yonge St., $37.50 - $47.50, 7:30 pm

MUSIC | Raised by Swans with Bellewoods at the Horseshoe
London, Ontario's Raised by Swans have a devoted following which counts among its number Canadian auteur Atom Egoyan, who's used several of their songs in his films' soundtracks. Their atmospheric pop has drawn comparisons to Sigur Ros and the band is coming out of hiding this winter to release the follow-up to their 2005 independent release Codes and Secret Longing in January. Fantastically heart-wrenching alt-country band Bellewoods close out the night.
The Horseshoe Tavern, 368 Queen St. W., $8, 9 pm

GALLERY | Snowball Gallery Opening
The latest addition to the Parkdale gallery scene, Snowball is run by photographer Alison Snowball, who will use the gallery as a venue to show her own work as well as those of local artists, and a place to screen movies, throw parties or whatever else you can think of. The opening reception is tonight and will give patrons a glimpse of the gallery's first exhibit appropriately entitled "One Year Lease." DJ Sputnik spins the tunes.
Snowball Gallery and Workshop, 1690 Queen St. W., Free, Reception 6 pm, Party 9 pm

MUSIC | John Southworth with Snowblink at the Rivoli
If the balls to the wall rock show going down at Lee's tonight isn't your thing, then why not check out something a little more low key? John Southworth is a British expat who plays a bravely weird kind of music which he calls "Appalachian Cabaret." He's joined by husband and wife duo Snowblink, who are a band you're going to be hearing more about in the coming year. Perfecting their own style of eerie melodies in the vein of Timber Timbre, the talented pair are bound to reach a wider audience.
Rivoli, 334 Queen St. W., $10, 9 pm

For full listings, head on over to our events calendar.
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