
The Blogerati Files: 2xy.org

This week in the Blogerati Files, 2xy.org .

Describe your blog in 10 words or less.
Less thought-provoking than Noah Grey. But sassier.

Why did you start blogging? What's your blog's birthday?
I started doing something similar to blogging in 1999. Then it was full-on, shameless blogging from April 24, 2000 (the day I signed up for a Blogger.com account) onwards.

How long have you lived in Toronto?
Since 1997. So... 9 years.

What's the funniest/strangest thing that has happened to you in Toronto? Did you blog about it?
Last year, I got locked up in a closet at the office, two days before Christmas. And yes, I blogged it.

What are some of the changes in Toronto that you have seen in your lifetime?
The rise of Dundas Square is the most visual one that I could think of.

What era, day or event in Toronto's history would you like to re-live and why?
Gay Pride Week 1996. That was the first time I'd ever gone and participated as a self-actualized homosexual. It meant a lot to me.

Who's your favourite Torontonian?
Dalton McGuinty.

Do you have a favourite free WiFi spot?
I hate wireless connections.

Do you have a favourite post from your blog? Do you know your blog's most visited post?
See my response to "funniest/strangest thing". The most visited would have to be a post about Kirstie Alley's weight problem (supported by photos), but I'm just guessing.

Have you had your 15 minutes yet?
Yes, totally. But I'm still kicking a few 30-second stretches here and there.

Ever met a stranger who already knew you through your blog? If so, how did it go?
Yes. It was alright. Just like meeting any other stranger. The only difference is that I don't need to introduce myself.

Who are your favourite blogger(s)?
Too many to mention, but https://toph.canadancia.com is currently enjoying my full attention.

What's happening in Toronto right now that the rest of us should be watching?
There's a party in my pants! Everyone's invited! Just kidding! I just wanted to see if you would publish that. Seriously... can't think of anything at the moment.

If your blog were a food, what food would it be?
Jambalaya made by Madonna's personal chef.

Speaking of food, do you have a favourite Toronto lunch spot?
I usually skip lunch, but when I do get to step away from my desk, I like to feast on a nice filet mignon at The Keg on York St.

If you could gather all of the bloggers of the world together into one room and tell them one thing, what would it be?
I get to blog this event first, bitches!

Have any advice for would be bloggers? What do you think is the best route to raise a blog's profile?
Visit other people's blogs as often as you can and leave comments on their sites. Once you make blog friends, everything else will fall into place.

Anything else you'd like to add?

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