toronto sky

Morning Brew: Porter's jet plans face major hurdle, relief line study ready to start, details of Bixi rescue plan due, and tunnelling for the Spadina line extension is complete

Porter's plans to fly jets out of the Toronto island airport could be headed for trouble. On Thursday the city's executive committee, now chaired by Deputy Mayor Norm Kelly, will discuss a staff report recommending council postpone its final decision on the matter until 2015. Kelly is hoping to fast-track approval by next year but he may not have enough support, reports the Globe and Mail. Should council wait until all the facts are available?

The Downtown Relief Line is a transit project in dire need of a re-brand. If you needed proof Toronto's transit discussions have become too political, the word "Downtown" in the name has been taken to mean it will only benefit those living in the city's core. In the hope of finding a better name, "Rename DRL" - a City Youth Council of Toronto initiative - is taking suggestions. Any ideas?

Speaking of the DRL, a study of the line, roughly expected to run between the core and the Danforth, could start in the new year. The process will involve transit planners developing a long list of options, including alignments and stations. It's not due to finish until 2015 at the earliest.

Councillor Denzil Minnan-Wong will announce more details about the future of Bixi later today. It's expected the struggling bike share scheme will be shifted under the umbrella of the Toronto Parking Authority and operated by Alta Bicycle Share, the company behind New York City and Melbourne's public bicycle systems.

Also on two wheels, the bike lane between Sherbourne and the Castle Frank on Bloor is getting a facelift. A section has been painted bright green as it passes over Parliament St.

And just like that tunnelling on the Spadina subway extension is now complete. The tunnel boring machines completed the final section of cylindrical tunnel yesterday. The TTC says the giant machines will be sold as they can't be repurposed for the Scarborough project when it finally gets moving.


Chris Bateman is a staff writer at theGentries. Follow him on Twitter at @chrisbateman.

Image: Flickr pool.

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