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Morning Brew: Police review Yorkdale mall CCTV, boy drives car into McDonalds, Pusateri's is pricey, The Black Hoof speaks out, and TTC debuts the personal car

Police are continuing to hunt for suspects in this weekend's fatal Yorkdale mall shooting. Michael Nguyen, 23, was shot multiple times during an altercation between two groups. A second man, who hasn't been named, was seriously injured. Police haven't said whether they believe the attack was gang related but did say both victims were known to the authorities.

Colleen Dempsey is living on the edge - literally. Her home is side-on to the construction site for the "Edition Richmond" condo on Richmond Street near Strachan. She claims developers damaged her home and cost her money when they tore down the house of her close neighbour. Yikes.

Parents of a four-year-old boy that drove the family car into a McDonalds in northwest Toronto are in a legal pickle. Police say the child put the car in gear and struck the side of the restaurant while his mother, who isn't insured to drive, was in the back seat. The mom later claimed she was driving the vehicle.

The National Post is looking back at coun. Karen Stintz's rise to power on city council with a profile that begins with her successful 2003 election campaign. Stintz defeated long-serving rep Anne Johnston who was embroiled in an the unpopular Minto condo development at Yonge and Eglinton.

Pusateri's Fine Foods sure knows how to cut a deal. 99-cent cans of Arizona Green Tea - with the retail price actually printed on the label - sell for $2.39 at the swanky Yorkville supermarket. I guess the owners have to pay for those valet zone lobbyists somehow. [via Reddit]

The HMCS Toronto has delivered a smackdown to a group of smugglers in the Indian Ocean. Crew aboard the Canadian frigate intercepted 500 kilograms of heroin, one of the largest seizures in a maritime environment, during an international patrol operation in the region.

The Black Hoof, a meat lover's paradise on Dundas West, is taking flak for its online etiquette. A tweet issued from the restaurant's official account early Saturday evening implored "(almost) everyone" to "please, please stop being such a douche". The outburst was apparently prompted by rude table. A later message claimed the troubles were "nothing 10 to 15 oz of chablis won't fix." Should restaurants call out bad behaviour?

Finally, difficult subway riders rejoice - the TTC is unveiling the "personal car," a place where nail-clippers, chicken-eaters, and big backpack wearers can finally ride in comfort, this morning. Here's the TTC's Brad Ross and Chris Upfold to explain the benefits of having absolutely no fellow humans to think about while you ride.


Chris Bateman is a staff writer at theGentries. Follow him on Twitter at @chrisbateman.

Image: "Spotted: Uber 5000" by AshtonPal/theGentries Flickr pool.

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