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Morning Brew: Ford offers to explain politics to women, aunt of alleged Boston bombers speaks out, close call at Yorkdale station, and video of the TTC ukulele takeover

Hey women - Rob Ford wants to give you a lesson in running for office. Speaking on his weekly radio show, Ford said there was a lack of women in politics and urged those interested to "call me at home -- 233-6934, 416-233-6934 -- and we'll go for a coffee, and explain how politics works." Ford regularly urges people he meets to call him at home, but did this offer come out wrong?

The Toronto-based aunt of the Boston bombing suspects says the brothers are "angels" and believes the manhunt that resulted in 26-year-old Tamerlan Tsarnaev dying in a gun battle with police was "staged." She says if Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the brother arrested on Friday, did place a bomb he should "explain himself." So far Boston police have been unable to question the suspect because of his injuries.

A subway rider had a lucky escape this weekend after he fell onto live subway tracks and hit his head. Two bystanders - a father and daughter - jumped on to the tracks and lifted the man to safety. It's thought a medical emergency caused him to fall at Yorkdale station. He's recovering in hospital, police say. If you're ever in a similar situation, read this.

Starting June 29, GO trains will run every 30 minutes from Oshawa to Aldershot, practically eliminating the need for a schedule on the Lakeshore line. The increased service has been in the works for years and Metrolinx, the provincial corporation that owns GO, has gradually been increasing track capacity on the line. More details, like the the times of the first and last trains, will be available in May. Is this a positive step for GTA transit?

The New York Yankees need protection when they're on the road, so much so the team brings its own security detail. Several fans were ejected from the Rogers Centre during the weekend's game for heckling the Yankee's bullpen (and possibly throwing peanuts) by the special outside staff, which one fan called "disturbing." Should visiting teams be allowed to eject fans?

The Maple Leafs are a playoff team once more after Saturday's 4-1 win over the Ottawa Senators. It's the first time the franchise has been part of the NHL's post season since 2004. Is this the start of the road to Stanley Cup #14?

Finally, earlier this week we brought you news of the ukulele "gangster" takeover of the TTC, a flashmob-style conquering of the subway complete with tiny guitars. The event was organized by a group associated with the Toronto Awesome Foundation, and the video of the song "Have An Awesome Day" is now online for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy.



Chris Bateman is a staff writer at theGentries. Follow him on Twitter at @chrisbateman.

Image: Neil Ta/theGentries Flickr pool.

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