toronto ice skates

Morning Brew: Ford, Thomson continue to trade words, fire on Osler Street, TTC eyes driverless trains, cyclist hit on Bloor Street West, and where to find a horse steak

The war of words between Rob Ford and Sarah Thomson escalated Sunday when the mayor publicly questioned whether the woman it's alleged he groped is "playing with a full deck." Ford made the comments on his weekly radio show, which was celebrating its first anniversary. Thomson said she won't be forced into silence and expects the mayor will eventually own up. Wishful thinking?

Five row houses on Osler Street near Dundas West and Dupont were damaged by a three-alarm fire last night. 18 firetrucks were dispatched to the scene but no-one was seriously injured. One man was treated for smoke inhalation. One of the homes damaged by the fire had recently been the scene of a kitchen fire, firefighters confirmed.

The weekend closures of the University line in through March might be an inconvenience, but the TTC says its a step toward introducing driverless trains on the subway. The new signals will eventually allow transit control to move trains, leaving only the job of opening and closing doors to the operator. Automatic trains can run closer together, improving service. Are you excited for a driverless subway?

A cyclist is in a critical condition after being struck by a vehicle on Bloor Street West at St. Helen's Avenue Sunday morning. The biker was hit while traveling east near Lansdowne Avenue.

The National Post's Steve Murray has created a set of exciting posters to celebrate Toronto's new-found status among North America's big cities. Among the slogans: "Fourth place kind of sounds like foreplay. Toronto. Your foreplay city." How about "the true fourth strong and free" or "the fourth-one-six." Any better ideas?

Jonesing for a horse steak after reading about the UK's recent dinner-time discoveries? Toronto's Cavallino Carne Equina and Groceries on Islington (one-star Yelp review!) has you covered, according to the CBC. The deli only serves horse meat: no beef, no pork, no mutton or nuttin'.

Finally, Environment Canada is forecasting heavy rain for Toronto and the GTA starting this afternoon. The city could see between 10 to 15 mms heading into the evening. Melting snow could post a flood risk in some areas. Bring an umbrella.


Chris Bateman is a staff writer at theGentries. Follow him on Twitter at @chrisbateman.

Image: "Time to Hang up the Skates" by BruceK/theGentries Flickr pool.

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