toronto go trains siding

Morning Brew: The TTC of our dreams, G20 activist jailed, Lake Shore Blvd to stay open, city launches roadwork website, raised condo walkway dramatics

The news this morning is all about Karen Stintz and Glenn De Baeremaeker's $30-billion, 30-year OneCity transit plan that could add several new subway, LRT, bus and streetcar routes in Toronto. Check out our write up here. Stintz will discuss the plan that involves a property tax hike in depth later today.

Elsewhere, G20 activist Alex Hundert was sentenced to more 13.5 months in prison yesterday for planning disruption at the summit two years ago. Hundert was convicted of discussing damaging property and teaching other activists how to escape police custody. 11 others had their charges dropped as part of a plea deal.

Councillor Denzil Minnan-Wong says Lake Shore Boulevard will stay open despite the Gardiner Expressway's tendency to shed pieces of concrete onto the busy road below. At one point yesterday the councillor suggested that it might be time to close parts of the Gardiner, but he did an about face after consulting with city staff. Earlier this week city workers chiseled off more loose construction material after pieces fell onto an occupied car. So what do we think - is it safe to drive under or not?

How do you get a steel transfer bridge halfway up two towers? Why, you crane it in of course. Daniel Arancibia captured the raising of a walkway between two towers at the CityPlace development on his blog yesterday.

Captain John's - the seafood restaurant housed onboard converted ship The Jadran at the foot of Yonge Street - is deadpool. The city rescinded the establishment's lease, cut off the water supply and ordered the kitchen closed yesterday over $500,000 in unpaid bills. We'll have more on the ill-fated boat a little later today.

And finally, the city has launched a new website that allows residents to determine where upcoming roadwork projects are scheduled to take place. You can have a look at the site here.


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Photo: "GO Train Yard Toronto Islington" by George Socka in the theGentries Flickr Pool.

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