Forest Toronto

Morning Brew: Ford has free time, teachers unfriend students, SlutWalk goes international, no charges in Layton leak and Iggy goes back to school

Mayor Rob Ford has a lot of time on his hands. That is, at least according to his schedule. Through a freedom of information request, CBC News obtained Ford's most recent calendar that shows limited activity and even some days which are completely open. His one and only public event this week was at Variety Village on Thursday. His calendar in February and March look pretty much the same: blank, with a few phone conferences or a meeting here and there, but no details provided. It's a sharp contrast to his November-January calendar that showed a heavy-duty itinerary with as many as a dozen appointments per day. So, I guess the bigger question is: where's the real calendar at?

This seems like a no-brainer, but looks like Ontario teachers have to be told to unfriend their students on Facebook. The recommendation comes from the Ontario College of Teachers after responding to queries about the recent advisory on the use of social media in the classroom. In April, the college issued a guide that offered obvious advice like not friending students on Facebook, emailing them at person accounts or (gross!) texting them.

Looks like there are Sluts all over the place. What started as a grassroots organization in response to a thoughtless remark from a Toronto police officer has now grown international, as a series of SlutWalks are popping up all over the U.S. From Boston to Chicago to Seattle, women are taking to the streets to protest shaming women for being sexual and for the treatment of sexual assault victims. Siobhan Connors, 20, of Lynn, Mass., a Boston organizer said, "It's to bring awareness to the shame and degradation women still face for expressing their sexuality ... essentially for behaving in a healthy and sexual way."

So that massage parlour story was all for nothing--for more reasons than one. The Ontario Provincial Police have announced there are no criminal charges being laid in the leak of Toronto police documents concerning NDP Leader Jack Layton after an investigation was conducted by Detective Inspector Mike Bickerton. However, a police spokesman did the investigation uncovered a number of police notebooks that were in the possession of a former Toronto officer, which were returned to the force.


Photo by Love's Decibel in the theGentries Flickr pool

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