leslieville mural

Morning Brew: Mayor David Miller's announcement, whites to become visible minority, Leslieville joker strikes again, police radio communication encryption, Loblaw going solar, pepper-spray at school

Mayor David Miller has something important to say at 9:30am today. Speculation abounds, as Torontonians wonder if he plans to re-enter the mayoral race, bow out of office early, take another job, or if he's ill or has a bunch of young girlfriends to reveal. We'll let you know what the deal is as soon as he has his press conference.

We all know that Toronto is a diverse, multicultural hotbed - so much so that by 2031 it's predicted that whites will be a new visible minority. At that time, one in four GTA residents will be South Asian, and 63% of all GTA residents will be from a visible minority community. This is a pretty amazing revelation, and speaks volumes about our city's incredibly powerful abilities to embrace and intermingle the world's cultures.

The Leslieville joker has struck again. An unknown "artist" has, for the second time, painted over the face of Alexander Muir (the Scottish-born musician) that graces the neighbouhood's iconic mural, turning the stoic face into a far more sinister Batman character. The most recent "edit" isn't as elaborate as the first (which is depicted in the above photo, taken by theGentries reader Bryson Gilbert in April of 2009).

Loblaw stores across Ontario are going to be among the first to invest in solar panel technology and take advantage of the provincial government's new feed-in-tariff (FIT) renewable energy program. It's a small step, but a positive one. I like to imagine that one day we'll be buying bananas grown in greenhouses attached to our grocery stores.

Someone squeezed off a cloud of pepper-spray in Westview Centennial Secondary School at Finch & Highway 400, prompting evacuation and requiring some airing out of the building. It's not clear whether this was in self-defense, or someone was being a goof and fooling around with the stuff.

Toronto will soon be implementing an encrypted police radio system, at a cost of $35 million, which will put the public in the dark and unable to tap into police communications. The move is prompted by security concerns, and will have impact on tow truck companies and the media, both who use the radio waves to learn about traffic accidents and track down breaking news stories.

Photo: "Why so serious, Alexander Muir?" by Bryson Gilbert, member of the theGentries Flickr pool.

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