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Morning Brew: amnesia-striken wanderer, child pornography sweep, punked or engaged by City Hall?, Internet safety in school curriculum, Underpass Park plans unveiled, nightclub arsonist caught on video

this woman? She doesn't know who she is (she's suffering from amnesia), and she was found wandering the streets in the cold about a month ago. It's a sad story, but hopefully one that ends well.

They range in age from in their teens to in their 60s, they're from a number of cities including Ottawa, Sudbury, Toronto, London, and they have no prior related convictions. A major, province-wide sweep of suspected child pornography sickos has resulted in the arrests of 35 accused, who face charges of sexual assault, and making, possessing and distributing child pornography.

Did City Hall punk the media yesterday? Are they obligated, in the very least, to reveal the nature of upcoming "important announcements," or is being intentionally vague and secretive (a move that will certainly spur on all kinds of speculation and media hype) appropriate strategy to heighten public awareness on issues of city politics? Who is to blame for the drama?

It's about time! Ontario has finally moved to make internet safety a part of the public education system curriculum for grades 4 and 7. Many parents don't have the wherewithal to control or monitor their children's use of the big, bad internet, so making youngsters aware of the harsh realities that exist online, and how to avoid them, is a must in my opinion.

Plans have been unveiled to turn one of the ugliest places in the city (the area beneath highway on and off ramps at the junctions of the DVP, Eastern, Adelaide, and Richmond) into a thriving public park. "Underpass Park," while not the most attractive of names, will revitalize the area by providing outdoor ball hockey and basketball courts, playgrounds for children, lots of seating, and community gardens. The West Don Lands is going to see a massive amount of change in the coming years.

And an arsonist is being sought after setting a North York nightclub ablaze and being caught on video. It's hard to see his face, but police are hoping the public might be able to identify him based on other clues.

em>Photo: "Swan swirled Caffé Latte" by jen ♫, member of the theGentries Flickr pool.

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