Trans Pride March and Rally WorldPride 2014

COME to the Trans Pride Rally and Trans Pride March 2014, through the heart of Toronto!


North Stage Church and Isabella


Friday June 27th, 7:00 PM


To be announced leading up.

MARCH ROUTE: Also see "route map" in event photos

1. Start at Rally

2. North on Church to Bloor

3. West on Bloor to Yonge

4. South on Yonge, all the way to Dundas


- This is the LONGEST Trans March ever at Pride Toronto

- This is the FIRST Trans March ever held at WorldPride in any city! We will be representing Trans Pride, and rising up for Trans Rights, in front of the entire world for the first time.

- Water is freely available at the Rally from a water station please bring bottles if you can, availability of bottles is limited.


- ASL interpretation is provided at the Rally.

- Accessibility / Mobility devices are available FREE for anyone who needs them. If possible, please arrange in advance by emailing [email protected], or, just ask one of our Volunteers on the day.

- Self-identified persons who require front-of-march priority placement, for setting the pace, please identify yourself to a Trans Pride March Volunteer and you will be accommodated.

- Possible inclusion of an accessible Van in the March not yet confirmed. If you wish to be accommodated with a ride in this type of van, please contact the organizers by facebook or by emailing [email protected].

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