A James Bond New Years Party means hard drinks, long stares, and charming chatter. We bring you a fancy night of enchantment where you celebrate the New Year the Bond way...which is of course….drinking one dry martini after the other as you do the shmurda on the dance floor to every song that comes on, including the signature bond anthems.

Think about it.

Get in character.

Wear that long gown you've always wanted.

Put on that suit that you bought from Moores.

Show up in a limo or streetcar


As M once said 'Knowing who to trust is everything in this business." and trustttt that this night is going to be classy lit.

Date: Dec 31, 2015

Location: H-Bar 859 Queen St W

Music: New & Old Hip Hop

Dress code: Suit up. Dresses to the floor encouraged.

Cost: $25

We are very limited for tickets so if they sell out online, there will be none sold at the door.

Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/james-bond-new-years-party-tickets-19499993004

See you there!


[revised script of James bond at the Iscream New Years Party]]

Bond: I’ll take another drink, Three measures of Gordon's, one of vodka, half a measure of Kina Lillet.

Pussy Galore: That’s pretty damn specific. Are you a spy or something? [Seductively walks over]

James Bond: Who are you?

Pussy Galore: My name is Pussy Galore.

James Bond: …I must be dreaming.

Pussy Galore: [Points a gun at Bond ] Do you want to play it easy, or the hard way? And this isn't a tranquilizer gun [slowly touches the gun barrel to his chin]


Hosted by The Iscream


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