canada sex map

Sex map of Canada reveals kinkiest cities and provinces and Ontario came out tops

New data from retailer and "global leader in sexual happiness" Lovehoney gives us a rare glimpse into the sex lives of Canadians on its Canada Sex Map 2023, and the insights are fascinating.

Using a combination of Lovehoney's 2022 sales figures, its global study from summer 2022, and its global expert network, the company created a sex map that shows each province’s preferences regarding pleasure.

canada sex map

Lovehoney Canada Sex Map 2023.

Sex in Alberta

Alberta is where the most wearable couple's vibrators were purchased, making it the "most connected" province. The province spent more on sexual pleasure products than most other provinces, but not as much as BC and Ontario.

Sex in BC

BC got the "most frisky award" because it's where the most police roleplay costumes were purchased.

Sex in Ontario

Overall, Ontario is the sexiest province because it's where the most sexual products were purchased. Also, the kinkiest city in Canada is in Ontario!

Canada's kinkiest cities

Nine cities in Canada got a shoutout for being the kinkiest based on their purchases. In Alberta, Edmonton was declared the best city for roleplay because they bought the most fantasy costumes.

Calgary was called the most animalistic city because it bought the most tail butt plugs. As for Vancouver, it's called the most submissive city because that’s where the most bondage rope was bought.

But the overall kinkiest city goes to Oxford, Ontario where the most electro/medical fetish toys were purchased.

canada sex map

Lovehoney's kinkiest cities.

Relationships in Canada

Lovehoney's insights on sex and relationships are also fascinating. About 90% of people have used or want to use sex toys with their partners. Also, people who bought a sex toy are 30 per cent more likely to be satisfied with their overall sex life than the general population.

canada sex map

Image via Lovehoney

What’s your hottest takeaway from all this sexy data?

Lead photo by

Remy Loz

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