Suits Lobby Lounge

Suits Lobby Lounge is nothing if not convenient. Nestled in the corner of the Trump Tower lobby, it makes for an ideal place for a post-work cocktail for the Bay Street crowd. Despite having recently opened, the place is already packed by 6:30 p.m. on a weekday evening when I arrive. And there are suits everywhere. There is only one man without a tie and jacket; he rips his toque off in record time before hurrying to the back where his friends are.

The place is small, with cushioned booths of glossy leather. An enormous black crystal chandelier hovers over a good third of the space. The bar would exude luxury if it weren't for the LED scrolling sign informing me of plummeting stock prices next to the flat-screen with tonight's game on. ("It's like if Hoops had a budget surplus," a friend remarks, not inaccurately.)

The music is equally schizophrenic, switching between Katy Perry, Justin Bieber and Miles Davis. Past 8pm, the manager abandons all hope of class and turns up the Top 40. The men at the next table seem to welcome it. After all, this is a post-work joint; there's an obvious thirst for mindlessness.

It's unclear as to what kind of bar Suits aspires to be, though there is no doubt that it is a bar. The drinks are delightful, though pricey; the cocktails range from $18 to $22, and a pint is $9. They have a signature cherry vodka from a local distillery , which they use in a martini (shaken with sweet vermouth and bitters) and a spritz (with gewurztraminer, St. Germain, syrup, and cranberry juice). I ask the bartender if either are worth it. "It tastes like Halls," she replies. She's not wrong, though it's more pleasant than expected. Despite the drinkability of the cocktails, there are no bar snacks, though staff assure me a proper menu is on its way.

For those who've had a long day at the office and are looking for a place to gather your (suited) minions before a big night out, this place might be ideal. For those looking to conduct a relaxed business rendezvous, this place will suffice, though come early. For serious drinkers looking for a more-than-just-decent cocktail, this place is mere fluff.

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